(.PDF.)(.KINDLE.) Download Faith on Two Wheels by James A. Taylor – 95 reviews
A devotional that is written with motorcyclists in mind, but applicable to everyone. The motorcycle community has often been vilified over the years, but is truly made up of some of the most incredible people, personalities, and generous hearts that anyone could encounter. Unfortunately, many motorcyclists have said that they do not feel welcome in many churches because they "don’t fit in." This has led to themed churches, just for bikers, and this only creates further division. This book is the product of a desire to fulfill the Great Commission and to reach an often neglected group so that they can hear the Gospel from someone they can, hopefully, relate to in some way. More than that, this book is for people who just have a desire to add something new to their devotional time.
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Details of Book
Author : James A. Taylor
Language : English
Number of pages :
Editor & Date : Independently published (December 28, 2022)
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