(.PDF.)(.KINDLE.) Download Motorcycle Hacks: Everything My Motorcycle Mentors Taught Me—and More by David Mixson – 94 reviews
The crash studies don’t lie.Average riders use their rear brake too much, don’t know what lowside and highside crashes are (and what causes them), and say there’s little they can do to keep from crashing—thinking when their time comes, it comes.Average riders make errors that account for half of all crashes, don’t know how to react when a driver makes a mistake, and choose whether to wear a helmet based on whether their riding buddies wear one.Average riders do the same things average riders did decades ago.An NHTSA study in 2012 found that motorcyclists were 26 times more likely than car occupants to die in accidents (per mile traveled). A similar NHTSA study in 2018 showed that riders are now 28 times more likely to die in motor vehicle traffic crashes.Here’s what one reader said:“Riders who practice the suggestions in ‘Motorcycle Hacks’ are almost guaranteed to be less likely to crash. It’s nicely illustrated, with important ideas explained clearly and repeatedly. It contains rider wisdom not found in other publications. This book will definitely save lives.”— Mark, Motorcycle Owner and RiderAnother reader said:“Reading this book felt like I was talking to David over coffee.”In this book, the third book in the Motorcycle Smarts book series, David shares some of the simple riding tips his mentors shared with him when he first started riding. He also tackles the tough topics like how to prevent most lowside and highside crashes.David also makes a case for Congress to federally mandate ABS on all on-street motorcycles.This book doesn’t cover the lame topics that the most popular motorcycle mega books do to fill pages—like how to select a helmet and get the most out of your first motorcycle rally. Instead, David covers the topics that matter.In 2007, David invited his motorcycle mentors to his house for an evening of motorcycle talk. After a few minutes of light conversation, he pulled out a stack of notes, looked them in the eyes, and said: “Someday, I want to explain motorcycles my way.”THIS BOOK IS A PART OF THAT VISION."My goal is simple—to help one rider. That’s what my motorcycle mentors did for me when I first started riding."— David MixsonDavid retired as an engineer from NASA (the space place) in 2022.
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Details of Book
Author : David Mixson
Language : English
ISBN : 1732453284
Number of pages :
Editor & Date : David Mixson (January 17, 2023)
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